Happy Easter our Easter Flowers Are thriving!

Our Easter Flowers vary from traditional white lilies to bright colorful hydrangeas. We have all your Easter Flower Needs. Our Easter ‘Nellie White’ lilies are waiting for you to take them home and bloom! Many still have unopened blooms so they’ll last a few weeks this year yet. They should hold you over for a breath of freshness until you can get your spring plants this May!

Did you know you can plant your Easter Lilies outside when they’re done blooming? Start acclimatizing then a little bit each day and when any threat of frost is past, plant them at the same depth as they were in the pot. Make sure they’re in a sunny spot and that you water and mulch around them. They won’t rebloom this year, but they’ll store energy in their leaves so they’re ready to bloom next summer!

Custom Grown Greenhouse and Garden Center has all types of Easter Flowers in Milwaukee including: Easter Lilies, Begonias, Mums, Hydrangeas, Gerbera Daisies, and Cyclamens for sale. Feel free to stop on by and grab some color!

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Finally, for any questions or inquiries click here for our contact page. Have a great day and hope to see you soon!